Take Heart, My friends!!
In our lives there may be situationsthat make us feel agitated, depressed, sorrowful, disheartened and so on.
But life isa precious gift and each individual carves out his own destiny. You may be aperson with cheerful disposition; you may be a loner, you may be a person whoexperiences bouts of depressions, you may be calm and composed individual.Whatever it is you are what you are, mainly due to perception of your mind.
Mind is thatpart of consciousness that perceives and thinks. It is the way you perceivethings that moulds your personality, your life. Is your mind a happy place orworrisome place? If it is in a happy place you have a positive attitude towardslife. Negative thinking makes the person sad, depressed and agitated. When youhave a positive attitude you are holding the reins of your mind. If you are harboringnegative thoughts, your mind is controlling you.
Ourhappiness depends mainly on how we interpret things we experience in life.Every adversity, every failure if taken positively can result in greatachievement. We very often blame the circumstances or the people around us andunfortunately these accusations will not help us at all in restoring thesituations. There are examples of great men who have risen above their personalproblems or failures or physical challenges and made big in life. It is verynecessary to accept defeat or setback with grace. For example, Abraham Lincolnfaced failures a number of times before he became the President of USA.
Don’t allowany handicap or defeat or poverty or sickness to conquer you. Rise above it.Don’t fear the winds of adversity. When it rains the birds take shelter buteagle is the only bird that avoids rains by flying above the clouds. If youhave strong will, you will rise above your problem.
Milton wrote his great epic ‘Paradise Lost’ when he wasblind!
The great music composer Beethoven was deaf when he composedhis most exalted symphony.
Demosthanes had a speech defect that caused him stammer, buthe made constant effort to overcome that until he became greatest orator ofGreece!
Charles Darwin was a neurasthenic; he was so nervous that hewould hardly sleep. He wrote ‘The Origin of Species’!
Julius Caesar was an epileptic, but he conquered the then knownworld!
James Watts,the inventor of steam engine, Michael Faraday who discovered the laws ofelectrolysis and electro magnetic induction, Edison who has around 1043inventions to his credit, Abraham Lincoln who abolished slavery, had all beenborn in extremely poor families!
So believein your strengths, your positive qualities and your intellectual capabilities.Don’t allow anyone’s negative remarks to ruin your lives. Brush it aside. Thegreat scientists Edison, Einstein, Newton etc. were called ‘dunces’ by theirteachers and fellow students!
We musttrain our minds to have a positive interpretation of what we perceive. From ourminds emanates the energy that influences everything around us. First of all wehave to develop an attitude of gratitude for the blessings and gifts that havebeen showered on us. If we focus on our positive points, we will develop acheerful disposition; a positive frame of mind and we will experiencecontentment. Some amount of competitive spirit is good but to have a happy life,one should keep oneself away from the rat race. It is good to haveintrospection as to where we stand in our life. As someone has said ‘what isthis life if full of care, if we do not have time to stand and stare?’
Take hearteven when unexpected calamities strike you. Leave it to the supreme power. Hewill sort it out for you! Take time to pray. But prayer is not just seekinghelp from God. A true prayer is an ex-pression of gratitude to the Almighty forwhatever you have been receiving. So prayer is not approaching God when inneed. It is the relationship with that supreme power, acknowledge that greatpower. This will give you lot of strength when you face adversity because youare very sure that a mighty hand is holding you, nothing evil can touch you.‘Many things are wrought by prayers than the world dreams of’ says the worldrenowned poet Lord Alfred Tennyson.
Life is a gift – it is enjoyable! If taken positively. Tryout!!
hey abhay, this was really very nice... gives alot of relief to the mind.
hi bro, i finally read thru it. Sounds really nice and logical. Good work there.
hi thr,
great abhay!! i mean this is really inspiring n yes yes m smiling :) thank you for sharing such beautiful thoughts with me.
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